Chevy Programming
October 03, 2022

Chevy Flip Programming

This remote can be easily programmed by the following steps, before programming please have the new key cut to match you existing key. Programming ...

Chevy Flip Programming

This remote can be easily programmed by the following steps, before programming please have the new key cut to match you existing key.

Programming Instructions: Note:


• To initiate, this procedure requires that a working key be available.

• This procedure adds keys only. The procedure does not erase previously learned keys.

• The keys to be learned must duplicate the mechanical cut of the current key.

1) Place an already programmed key in the keyway (ignition). Cycle the ignition from OFF to ON.

2) Within 15 seconds, insert the new, properly cut transponder key in the ignition. Turn the key to ON (RUN) or START. The “security” indicator light will go on and off. Turn the key “OFF”.

3) The key will now start the car. Repeat the second step for each new key to be programmed. Feel free to contact us for any further concerns.

Chevy Programming
Updated: October 03, 2022